What’s the difference between the Allworx 9212 and 9212L IP Phones?

A common question we face from Allworx users is “What’s the difference between the Allworx 9212 and 9212L”. This is a great question since the two phones look very similar, so allow me to explain.


The volume control buttons are different…

If you were to look at both the 9212 and 9212L phones side by side, you would notice that the volume control buttons are a bit different. This is a quick and easy way to distinguish between the two phones without powering them on, or turning them over to look at the part number.

Allworx 9212 vs 9212L difference

The two major differences…

The two major differences between the Allworx 9212 and 9212L phones are that the 9212L has a backlit display and requires a software version of 7.3 or higher. Other than that, both phones are virtually the same. They are both PoE and feature 12 program buttons, speakerphone, Ethernet switch, handset port, and the list goes on.



The point of this post is to point out the differences, or lack thereof, and to clarify that the 9212 is still a quality phone. I will admit, the backlit display is a major selling point for me since reading the screen gets difficult in a dark office however it’s not a necessity. As for the software version, this will pretty much dictate which phone you buy for your office.